Saturday, June 11, 2011

Where to begin...I'm broke.

So, if you haven't heard...I'm off to far far away land...wait this is not Sherk. Oops

Actually, I'm going to Argentina to study abroad with Academic Programs International (API) during the fall semester. This has been something I've been working toward for a while and the thought has always been in mind to study abroad when I choose my major sophomore year. Finally, I made the steps to take this adventure during my junior year at Texas State. I had an incredible group of RA co-workers at Arnold/Smith Hall that really encouraged me to make this step.

During the Spring Semester of 2011, I narrowed my choices of where I wanted to go in the world to either South America, Africa, or Asia. I didn't want Europe because I have been there before in the past and also it seems everyone and their mother goes there...literally. Then Central America was out because I have been there twice. Honestly, Australia was out because I know English and I didn't think it was enough of a chance. I decided on South America, specifically, Argentina because I wanted a place where I don't know the language well/ at all - check! I wanted a place where I'm actually going below the equator (season switch-a-roo) - check! And lastly, I wanted a place no one I know personally has been - SUPER check!

My mind was set on Argentina...then came to time to research and narrow down programs with Texas State or a non-affiliated programs that actually go there. API was the winner!!! Woot! And a student has to apply to get in which I did, obviously. So, now came the long process (I mean terribly long....) of filling out the application with API but not only that, I needed to get this plan of studying abroad approved by Texas State. That meant going to Study Abroad Office often, Financial Aid Office often, School Adviser Office often...I think y'all get the picture. By the time school was over, I was still faxing and emailing information over to API because a big chuck of my application had to be done by May 15...I was leaving school May 16...and I finish my finals ended on May 12. There wasn't a lot of time left plus add on my lovely RA duties (haha) and checking people out (haha) and study well enough on my finals (HAHA)...I was basically a wreck near the end. Oh man, I have to give it up for my friends/co-workers...made my stress a lot easier to deal with.

Alright, now we have caught up with the right now...this moment.

Sorry, too serious.

The here and now, I am currently very broke. (hence the title) This pass Tuesday, I brought my flight ticket. THAT WAS NOT CHEAP and WAS NOT INCLUDED IN THE COST OF MY PROGRAM....(my mind was saying Damn...Damn...Damn like when on the Martin Lawrence show his mama's bird died hahaha). I was very sad to see my bank account dip so low because of that ticket! However, getting this ticket meant 2 things.
  1. This is really happening.
  2. For real, there is no turning back.
I'm really about to take a jump, hop and skip over to a country I hardly know. - Yeah you crazy
Now the only things I'm waiting on is aid from Texas State and buying my cell phone. But overall, I think this can be something I look back at and say yeah been there or even take my kids to meet my host family I will be staying with. This blog will definitely help me remember the good, the bad, and the ugly time there but if it didn't have all of that it wouldn't be much of an adventure now would it? :)

p.s. Everything before this blog (date-wise) is from my freshman year when I had to create a blog for my English class. I decided to revamp it in order to use for my study abroad updates. So if y'all check it out great...if not so what, who cares as my friend Alyssa says. Stay tuned for more post to come and let me know what y'all think of the blog set up and content in this one particularly.