Saturday, July 23, 2011

Bienvenidos a Baries!

Hola todos!

I've arrived in Buenos Aires!!!! WOOT! (Baires simply means Buenos Aires)

This is the first time I've gotten to actually sit down and write a little bit. So lets start from the beginning, on Thursday my dad, sister, and bro were leaving to go to Las Vegas for my brother basketball tournament;I was also leaving to go to Argentina. We said our goodbyes when went out separate ways. They left to go to DFW airport and my mother and nana took me to Love field airport. My flight went from Dallas to Houston then a 10 hours flight to Argentina :D .

Once to Houston, I called my folks to let them know I got there okay and we were about to broad. Instead of sitting down there on a frickin 10 hour flight to myself...I conversed with a guy in front of me, Marc, who was a part of a study abroad group but was coming a day early. Then I actually got to speak with my first Argentine person his name was Leandro. He was coming from the Miami with his older sister and dad from vacation. We had talked about what program I was going with, what the food was like, the people and my terrible spanish haha. I had brought with me some of my spanish worksheets and he helped me with them. I enjoy talking with Leandro and his sister because it was a good chance to get a preview of how some of the people are.

Some interesting facts Leandro told me (and from walking around seem to be very true)
- Argentine people are in no hurry. at all.
- referring to just about anything. They go out for coffee and chat for long periods of time. For instance when we went to go eat today at a restaurant, it seem like the waiter was ignoring us and we just really wanting our food fast! But no, not Argentina :D

- Most things are very cheap
- there is very good exchange rate for US dollars here; for example, I went to get a bottle of water and it turned out to be 4 pesos which is like a 1 American dollars.

After the flight, I had to go through customs get my stamp and the retrieve my luggage. Going through EZE airport was more simple than I thought too! Yaya for that! I just had to find the rest of my group before 12 pm Atlantic time and after going through customs I have about 30 minutes to find Carmen who is the API Director here in B.A. She is sooo awesome!!! hahaha funny story: when meeting everyone and Carmen I greeted her like everyone American does, put out your hand and shake the other persons. So Carmen was like "Jameson, no no no shake hand beso por favor" (beso is kiss in spanish). And I kissed everyone cheek once while saying hello and it is the same when saying goodbye.

Once all together, we took our tour car from the airport to the actually city because it is 45 minutes away. Then once to the hotel in the city we rested for a little bit and then later that night enjoyed a meet and greet with API early start students. We met at Carmen's place for home made pizza and some drinks she made from varies fruits.

-Ah, another thing I forgot to add that Leandro had told me and Carmen later also said was that in Argentina breakfast isn't very much like it is in the US. No eggs, bacon, toast and will simply be coffee and a pastry. Then for dinner, Argentines eat very late like around 9 - 10 pm.

Okay back to the story. So after getting to Carmen's place we were all starving then afterwards the older crew wanted to take us all out to one of the club some of them enjoy going to which is called El Living. It was pretty awesome haha we had gotten there pretty early in the night before the dancing but when that started it was basically 80s night dancing to Footloose then 90s music like New Radicals - You Get What You Give. Totally awesome first night here!

Today, was mostly meeting with Carmen for some orinetiaton on the city and then with another worker that is with API, Gabby, who took us on a city bus tour just to give us a taste of the most of the provinces here. Tomorrow, we pack in the morning and get to meet our families after our tour of the Universidad de Belgrano!! Woot! Pictures will come soon promise!

Besos, Jameson


Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jameson's New Family!

What's up folks! Update time!

After a few days of worrying about money information and getting it all together; I received an AWESOME packet in the mail!

I finally founded out my housing situation in Argentina!

I shall be living with Rosario Rincón and her husband Federico both 60 years old. They also have a son named Jaime who is an engineer but travels a lot for his work. Apparently, they have a cat. (Literally the sentence says "They have a cat"). I will be getting breakfast everyday and dinner Sunday thru Friday. That is awesome because all I need to worry about is lunch during the everyday and then dinner on Saturday. I'll be living close to the University sort of, only 25 minutes by bus/metro.

I think the next biggest bump in the road is trying to navigate through the airport in Buenos Aires because first everything will be in Spanish; secondly, it seems I'll be be arriving in a different Terminal than the where my group will be meeting (great). Good thing I'm still practicing my Spanish!

Breathe easy folks and take care

Friday, July 1, 2011

Argentina is out ,Graduating is out ...say what?

Hey folks,

I know I haven't written a blog in like 3 weeks but I wanted to wait until I had something good enough to write about. Oh, man do I have something to talk about hahaha.

So last Sunday, Texas State finally announced how much financial aid all the students would be getting. I was very excited once I received that email saying it was finally in (I thought to myself YEESSSSS). All my excitement plumped when I logged into my account and noticed I only received a Federal Parent Loan which my parents NEVER qualify for. So, this basically meant I wasn't awarded any other aid money...I had no way for paying off the rest of my Argentina program so that's out. This also meant I have no aid for next semester so that means graduating fro Texas State is out.

These are scary, very scary realizations and thoughts in my head. I was in shock for a good while. I was pretty much down all hours of the day. Until, we finally spoke to the director of the financial aid which happened to be the same lady I was conversing with about my aid and API program payment plan. She remembered and explained what the real deal was about not receiving aid. She explained that I had reached my borrowing limit! (Oh gosh, I thought students don't reach that until their 5th/6th year of college).

She went into detailing about the situation and basically said that since my parents were being denied that Parent Loan, I was able to get more money. That also meant I was approaching that borrowing limit faster than the average student. She was graciously able to move around some numbers and long story short I have federal aid to use now! Wooot oh yeahhhh sweeeeet!!!! Now, this study abroad trip is on and graduating on time is on! This was a total blessing and I'm so thankful to God that everything worked out maybe not how I envisioned it but the nonetheless everything turned out alright.

I had prayed about my money situation since Texas State told everyone that went weren't going to know our aid till late June. When it finally came in I was down but not as much as I thought I was be. My Nana said it best "If you had prayed about it Jameson, don't walk around here acting like God is not going to see you through. Smile because everything out of your hands and in Gods." I love her...grandmas always know exactly what to say :^)

Today is my birthday and finally got to post this hahaha Happy birthday to me!
check yall lata!!