Sunday, August 7, 2011

One of the most marvelous places of the dead.

Sí... mis amigos... I said marvelous places of the dead.

We visited La Recoleta Cementerio on July 28, 2011. This cemetery became the first public cemetery of Buenos Aires. The credit due for the creation of this beautiful cite was the Governor Martin Rodriguez and his minister Bernardino Rivadavia. There are 4,800 is an understatement. A lot of relevant Argentine history rest in peace in Recoleta, for instance, politicians, military men, priests, and poets just to name a few.
Look at the long ally! This mausoleum is huge and just incredible to walk around!

This vault is the resting place of Luis Federico Leloir, who was a scientist that won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Also was the first Spanish speaking scientist to receive this outstanding award. His resting place was one the biggest in this cemetery! Just look at size compared to me?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!? locoooooo!

So for the picture above is a interesting one. It's not fact that I'm standing next to the rest place of Evita (María Eva Duarte de Perón) who was just so much for this country. But it's the fact I was not sure if a person is suppose to smile or not when taking to someone tomb.

Yeah...well I did!
Some of my API peeps (from left to right) Erin, myself, and Caitlin then Kathryn is taking the picture!

This is Kathryn^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^. After the walk through of the cemetery, we went to the grocery store to buy food because we decided to do a picnic dealio = Best idea. We brought hot bread, cheese, ham, yogurt, nuts, and grapes. That day was very nice for Argentina being in the winter season.

Stay hot and classy Texas.


  1. Hey Jameson,

    I came across your blog through the API Facebook page. I studied abroad in Buenos Aires last year, and this post brought back so many great memories! The area by the cemetery was by far one of my favorites to hang out in - the fair, the restaurants, the live music. So beautiful. :-)

    I wish many wonderful memories during the rest of your time abroad! If you'd like to check out my blog from while I was abroad (maybe you'll find some fun things to do that you haven't discovered yet), it's Que disfrutes a la Argentina mucho!

  2. Thank Makena!!! and I'm glad i can bring back a good time of your life!
