Saturday, January 31, 2009

Confused mind.

This is the week of confusion. Since being back from break, I have felt like there was something different may be in myself or in others. However, at first it was not clear. Everything seemed to be great and I got to see all my friends that I missed. Now, it can't even be around the people I trust the most.

Its upsetting because I feel like I am the "tag along friend", but before the Christmas break I never felt this way. I know they love me dearly and same goes for me, but I can not help but feel it. Is that so wrong of me? That I feel awkward and seems to not have anything to talk about in any of our little conversations. May be I am just putting to much thought into it and should have more faith in them or everything I am feeling is right on key... I suppose only time will tell.

"Love all, trust few..." - William Shakespeare


  1. no its not wrong sometimes i feel the same way. its just hard to find good friends here especially on this big campus

  2. I am sorry to hear that. I know how it feels to be on the outside. But, I feel that since the break, you and I have become closer. We may not have the deep heart to heart talks yet, but I feel we are without a doubt closer than before the break.

  3. Yea I know how you feel...the same thing happened to me maybe yall are just beginning to grow apart or maybe they dont even notice it

  4. beautiful picture. did you take it?
