Monday, February 16, 2009

So, this week overall has been good I think. God has blessed me more then I thought would happen. Being able to saying " I'm working" feel weird hahaha. I think it is a sign that I am coming in to my own independence, which is good to a point. I've been praying a lot actually because I am still being tempted lately and its getting to me. Trust in God and anything is possible right?? I am starting to think so. I am thankful for all my friends at this school... some i don't know where I would be without their advice most of time.
Bobcat Awakening is this weekend. I have mixed emotions about it. I feel like it would be really good for me to go and grow even more closer to God I think. I am glad John convinced me to go... I very thankful he's in my life too. Everything has a reason??? I believe God puts certain people in our lives so we can learn from them or even grow together in life. On the other hand, I believe good God puts puts negative people me in our lives so we can learn what not to do.
Thanks be to God and Blessed be.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 11, 2009 that day was a good day...

Like Ice-Cube said in that song... "Today was a good day". Feb 11,was my good day. Usually, I with getting up like at 9 but i received a text message from Julie saying we didn't have English class that day. I was super excited. That same day I was expecting a call from the Alumni House about the job. Rejoicing in the lobby and telling everyone that my class was canceled was fun. The plus to this was that I only have one class on monday, wednesday, friday; so that day was a free day for me.
I then got a phone call from Lisha Barker from the Alumni House, saying that she would love to have my work with them at the House. By this time I was glowing with enjoyment and success. This would be my first job on my own and that I got on my own, since i worked with my Dad at the family business there really wasn't a purpose in me trying to get another job. Right after I got the phone call, I contiuned to tell everyone about my good day. I called my dad and my mom , for some crazy reason they didn't seem excited like me... maybe the fact I'm growing up shocked them or that I won't asking for much. Eventought i didn't ask form much anyway.
That day was a good day.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Music to feel...

So one of my great closest friend at Texas State gave me some music. I believe we feel the same about music. That the words are great but the beat and melody and harmony of the instruments is the amazing part. Those are the parts that shake your soul to the core. A person can not just hear the song, on the contrary a person must listen to the song. I am this way with hip-hop and soul music. For instance, like Erykah Badu, Jill Scott, Mos Def, Common and many others.

Lately, though my taste in music is more indie and alternative punk like recent music is Small Leaks Sink Ships ( is amazing) listen to it now! There is Spoon, Damien Marley, Damien Rice, and Santogold ( if you like M.I.A you will love her). Music like this makes me feel like I should be out adventuring around in other countries and culture. Brazil, Africa, Spain, many islands in Caribbean sound pretty fun to visit right now. I believe is college is a good time to experiment with music and travel; basically to find yourself and your own worth in the world.

"Playing music or concerts are creating moments... recording music is perfecting the moment..." Erykah Badu

Day of Change, Feb 6.

Good morning world, I have experienced it seems like a day of change. On last Friday, I applied for a job, went to my first 80s party, and getting a new roommate. Everything that day happen so fast. First it was english class then went and ate. After that I took my corrected resume up to the Alumni House. Mrs. Barker is very nice, and I hope I made a good impression. The only thing that is that when I fill out the application and was out the door, the receptionist come outside to tell me Mrs. Barker could talk to me right then. In my mind, I was thinking this is great; however, I was not dressed the part for the job opporunity. I am hoping everything with that goes well because the job will be well appreiciated.
The 80s party was a blast. A few of my friends and I went to Goodwill to get old clothes, which turned out to be really funny and fun. I brought a deep purple shirt, bright yellow shorts and some avaitor glasses. Everyone told me I looked pretty awesome and super fly :) . Last but not least my roommate is moving down the hall and I'm getting a new guy, Matt. He seems pretty cool, but I don't know much right now. Hopefully, we will get along great. Only time will tell...