Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 11, 2009 that day was a good day...

Like Ice-Cube said in that song... "Today was a good day". Feb 11,was my good day. Usually, I with getting up like at 9 but i received a text message from Julie saying we didn't have English class that day. I was super excited. That same day I was expecting a call from the Alumni House about the job. Rejoicing in the lobby and telling everyone that my class was canceled was fun. The plus to this was that I only have one class on monday, wednesday, friday; so that day was a free day for me.
I then got a phone call from Lisha Barker from the Alumni House, saying that she would love to have my work with them at the House. By this time I was glowing with enjoyment and success. This would be my first job on my own and that I got on my own, since i worked with my Dad at the family business there really wasn't a purpose in me trying to get another job. Right after I got the phone call, I contiuned to tell everyone about my good day. I called my dad and my mom , for some crazy reason they didn't seem excited like me... maybe the fact I'm growing up shocked them or that I won't asking for much. Eventought i didn't ask form much anyway.
That day was a good day.

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