Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Falls rivaled by all!

Hola beautiful world!
How are you today?

I, a few weekends ago, went on an awesome trip to Iguazú Falls or in Spanish: Cataratas del Iguazú.

Can I still you I have never seen something amazing with my eyes and in person?

------- I want to ask you reader, Have you ever just wanted to marvel something beautiful? I don’t mean cars and I don’t mean people! I don’t mean anything superficial.---------

I’m talking about beauty in nature and something so awestruck can leave one lost for words. Well, I went to on of those places haha. A few friends of mine went up north to the where the falls are on a long weekend in August. We thought as our first long weekend of school we should go somewhere we won’t forget. (Yeah I forget this experience)

Iguazú Falls is in the northeast province called Misiones of Argentina. The actually falls themselves can be seen on the Argentina side and the Brazil! (How amazing) To get there a person can go by plane or by bus. Since I’m still a college student (cheaper is better over comfort) we decided to go by bus which was 18 hour bus ride that was 826 pesos so a little passed 200 U.S. dollars round trip.

Yeah… 18 hours is correct.

I know everyone is thinking how terrible to be stuck on a bus that long. Well, we had snacks, drinks, our ipods, a book, and there is even a movie playing at a certain. Lucky for us our journey was overnight so we received lunch, dinner and a little breakfast. Upon arriving at the bus terminal we had to figure out how to get to our hostel.

*side note – A hostel is a cool traveling hotel that is cheap, exciting, and different. A person is paying for a room like hotels but you’re paying for the bad you sleep on. It is a great way to meet traveler who are coming from around the world.*

The hostel we stayed, Hostel- Iguazú Falls, was pretty awesome because they have different theme for each night and we were only staying on was a Saturday with a theme of Samba/BBQ.

Just imagine a bunch of college students coming from different parts of the world together to dance, eat, and drinks = Greatness. Just look at some of pictures and smile for yourself

The next morning we actually went to the National Park Iguazú. It was 40 pesos to get in because we had visas instead of 100 pesos! Then once in we took a lovely train ride to actually get to the falls. As one is walking you will come across furry animal that looks like a mix of a raccoon and anteater haha.

Also while walking our anticipation was so high when we started to hear water I would say “Oh man, Oh man we are sooooo close” hahaha. Once taking our first look at the view… it was just incredible. That is saying the least! : ^)

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