Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Exam Schedule

So, at first i thought i had three exams on the May 12th. That is also the last of all final, so i thought i going to go crazy studying. The exams i thought i had all that day were English, Math, Communication. English i really can't study for because its going to be an impromptu. Then for Math is will be over all the stuff we learned all semester. This exam will suck a lot haha. Then for Communication is will also be over all the stuff we learn this semester. Which i do not think will be a big deal if i study more then i did last time for my other test. However, i saw that English and Communication where both at 8 am. I kind of started freaking out about how will i know what test to take at what time. In the end, I wrote down the dates of my finals on the wrong days. English is on the 8th, which is much better. :)


  1. Yeah having more than 1 final a day is tough

  2. exams suck and I don't like them

  3. i hope that you do good on your exams and that you study a lot and have a good night sleep with a big healthy breakfast before your final exam
