Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Well, yall know I trying to get Dreadlocks. This is so exciting and a journey at same time. I got them back in January. And its now the end of April and my hair is pretty long now. Locking of the hair usually takes 3 months to 6 months. Most of my hair i think is getting there because its starting to bud. That means hair starts to get nappy and thick in a certain spot for a while then starts to grow together which is locking. I am planning to get my hair to shoulder length which I'm excited about!! A lot of people in my dorm keep saying i have really good hair and it grows fast. And everyone says i look like Lenny Kravitz when i wear my aviators :). I think that pretty awesome.

Summer is getting closer...

I am so ready for these summer days coming up. I must survive these next 2 and half weeks for school finals. Then that will be it!!! I haven't had thoughts about summer but to just have fun. However, my parents and I both think taking summer classes will speed up the process in me getting out of college sooner. Also, I will probably be working out the family restaurant which is always a new experience depending on who is working that day. My cousin in Florida also wants me to come out there to see her and her son. That would be a wonderful idea, relaxing time on the beach. At the same time, my aunt in Wisconsin wants me to come and visit her. I never been up to the north of the US, so that would be nice to visit too. We'll see what happens.

Exam Schedule

So, at first i thought i had three exams on the May 12th. That is also the last of all final, so i thought i going to go crazy studying. The exams i thought i had all that day were English, Math, Communication. English i really can't study for because its going to be an impromptu. Then for Math is will be over all the stuff we learned all semester. This exam will suck a lot haha. Then for Communication is will also be over all the stuff we learn this semester. Which i do not think will be a big deal if i study more then i did last time for my other test. However, i saw that English and Communication where both at 8 am. I kind of started freaking out about how will i know what test to take at what time. In the end, I wrote down the dates of my finals on the wrong days. English is on the 8th, which is much better. :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

pt 5... best for last, The Kills

So the night is going great so far. Everyone is on top of everyone else, so it terribly hot. However once in a while everyone is getting drops on water on their heads. And throughgout the night we were steady but surely getting closer to the stage which was amazing. This group has so much energy for just 2 people. The guy was doing some cool tricks with his guitar and the girl had alot of head banging action. This band is pretty talented in their art. The first time i heard of the Kills was from a show on the CW. The sound is called Sour Cherry listen to it everyone. And also listen to their whole recent CD. I believe live music is creating a moment and for us listener we must live in that moment with the bands. Love life, love music... then end.

pt 4... yeahhh, The Horrors

First i'll talked about Alyssa. From what i can tell on Friday she is into Photography, which is awesome. We found out that we don't live far from each other on campus. I'm in Butler and she is in Sterry. At the concert, she also told me she had a university star pass which means she can go on stage if she had a camera too. And she did between her and david booth. She said she was really nervous and i kept telling her that she'll do fine and it was a really cool oppunitunity. Alright now when the second band come on stage they seemed a little creppy. Ha of cousre they would be with their name the Horrors. Shockingly their music was pretty good like the Magic Wands, the lead singer was throwing up his hand awkwardly haha. More to come... for the last band.

Pt 3... of a great night, Magic Wands

Well, so after the first band got on stage i was a little freaked out. Its because they had like a stuffed animal tiger heads on two mic sticks. I thought the their eyes were going to light up or something haha. The Magic Wands were really cool sounding. I really liked their energy of kinda techno with a mix of Daft Punk and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. It started to be seems like it was getting hotter inside Emo's. However it was more body heat inside the place plus i don' t think there was any A/C in this Everyone go listen to Black Magic by Magic Wands good song. This was always the moment where this pretty girl Alyssa introduced herself to me. What a moment!!!
More to come...

sounds good pt. 2

We are finally inside. I super excited because this will be second concert, once coming to college. My friend Bonnie was a little upset that the guy who got her to go wasn't coming but our friend Nate came later that night. And i just remembered that my other friend David Booth was going we looked around for him. He was there! And with group of people i meet recently at the river. Guys: Ryan, Josh from tech, Mark, George, and David. Girls: Becky, Whitney, Emily, Christie, Kelsey, and Alyssa. So we chilled with them the whole night.
I was not sure about the line up of the concert. The first two bands where bands i have never heard of Magic Wands and The Horrors. Then of course the main band, The Kills, were last. To be continued...

Live music!!! baby sounds good..

Here is the back story of how I went to a concert with my friend Bonnie to see the Kills. We had went to a concert with each other before to see Clap your hands say yeah which also was my first time to Austin. This time she called me up for another random night of hey lets go see the Kills. Of course i was like HOT DAMN LETS DO IT. So the concert started at 10 and we left San Marcos at 9ish, ha. So we get down there to find this place called Emo's, mind you this is my only my second time to Austin.
So we park in this lot that charged us 5 dollar that was around the corner. We walked to Emo's but then when we got the place the guy was like wait what are coming to see we said the Kills and he said other side. We walked all the ways to the other side but i think we could have gotten in there and walked from the inside to the other side... he was just being lame ha. We got up to the line come to find out i don't have any money we had to get out of line so i could get 20 buck from a ATM. I looked for one but this guy pointed to where i could get money, however the place he pointed too for i think i club called Volume hahaha. Not exactly where i need to be going. I got the money and we got inside F*** yeah!!! to be continued...

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Weekend!!!!

So this weekend is Easter yayay for Jesus. However this will be the first Easter i don't spend with my family which feels a little weird. At first I thought i was heading home because my dad mentioned it to me. Then Wednesday rolled around and i received a package from my family. There was my coffee temporal, a Prince cd, and some letters. I was thankful for all of it, then i read the letters, which turned out to be cards, Easter cards at that. I laughed to myself and thought "wow, I guess this means I'm not going home for Easter". This turned out to be true. So I am stuck in San Marcos for Easter instead for Dallas where i would like to be. The campus seems to be a dessert, with a few cars in every parking lot. Eh,... what a drag. Oh well, hopefully i learn something this weekend, that will help better myself in my faith.

Thank you Jesus for dying on the cross for ME.

Friday, April 3, 2009


He's a great friend of mine and rather not have us fighting. Many people have told me to just find other people to hang out with and give him space. Well, at the same time i'm afraid space will make things worse between us. I really need him to understand where i am coming from. He knows so much about me and it sometimes make me feel vulnerable which is good because those are true friends. However, i don't like to feel that ways because its hard for me to trust people and i'm always left feeling abandoned. Im not a charity case. Don't pity me, life means change but i wish things were easier. Nothing is in my hands anymore, Let go and let God basically. I've been praying about it. I want God to give me peace in my mind and heart. Also show me what He's trying to teach me.

Many bad days...

Alright guys, I've been having friend problems. Its making me go crazy because it hard to find those certain who won't walk all over you and use you. When i think i did find them its turns out we having issues. I feel as if im trying to work the friendship to a good side and hang out or something but the other person doesn't seems to be bothered that we don't talk much anymore. I understand things change and people change but damn i would feel like he's still there for me. Im always starting up conversation not him, Im always texting him, and so forth. Well im finally done doing that. I need him to come to me, so i tried to talked to him a few days ago because he said he would able too. But i never got a text or anything. So i texted him if your done with your testand what not. He said you obviously know im done, don't start this off like this. I've been enjoying my day. So from all that he said it sounded like he didn't want to talk at all right then. So i asked last night if we could talk. He said no he can't. I asked if he was busy or something, he said yeah ish. Well i had just saw him in the lobby not doing anything. So i told him let me know when you can talk because its important to me and hopefully to you, are you going to let me know? All he said was when i'm ready... well damn ok then. Everything is just getting better.

Hot water epidemic!...

The hot water is back now as of last night. I took a very long hot water shower and washed my locs to re twist them. Then come to find out that they have turned the water off this morning because of some crazy reason. I have taken cold showers before so i was not complaining about no hot water. On the other had it we haven't had hot water for 8 days. Once we get back, the school wants to take it away again. Well hot damn, this sucks for us. Now, it is back on but some of the shower heads are jerking the water out. That is not a good shower at all! HAHAHA. Then come to find out that everyone who didn't have hot shower for 8 days is getting a check for 106$. That is an amazing up from this very long down of showers.

No hot water... for a while

This story is very sad and depressing for all those people that live in dorms in the valley and near LBJ building. I was one of the lucky ones to have had taken a shower before thrusday when the cold water started to kick in. So everyone on campus got a mass email about how the boiler has leaks and will be fixed by saturday. Nope that didn't happen they fixed them but there were more.

Now the school is now spending alot of money on this boiler when its only temptory and not really ours. Now the hot water has been out until about wednesday. The supervisor ordered a new boiler and hoped to get it installed that night or monday. Thrusday is here and it is still broken because it failed the water pressure test. Then there was another mass text about the hot water should be back on at 6 and at 9 30 be around the whole campus.... great.

Spring Break final day.

It was very sad that break was ending. Honestly, I wasn't like all of my friends back at school who were ready to go back. I love home there is a lot to do in Dallas. However, i finally thought i would go on a vacation or something. We didn't which really got me down at first. Then my dad told me we were going out to eat at Texas De Brazil. The restaurant is completely amazing from its exterior to its interior to the great food.

The aspects the way a person dines in this place is very unique. They serve meats like pork, steak, chicken, lamb, and etc on hot metal stick. A person must use their tongs to get the meat. With this they have a salad bar and you can order mash potatoes and fried bananas to table. That made my week even better, love that place and i love home and i love my family. The end.

Spring Break 4pt

The rest of the break was still on a good note when it ended. Some other exciting things i did was go see Sunshine Cleaning. Which is a movie only in select theaters unfortunately. The movie is about 2 sisters who i think are trying to find their way in life. One sister is doing random things to get by and to pay for her child to get through school like being a maid and sleeping with a married police officers. The other is working in fast food place and reminisces about her mother who committed suicide.

They hear that crime scene clean up crews earns tons of money. So, they try to start their own business called Sunshine Cleaning to come in to people lives when they have lost someone close to them and help. It is definitely an awesome movie i suggest everyone to see it. I also went to eat with Mike again at this place called Cafe Brazil which is up 24 hours and so good. I had a omelet, rosemary potatoes, and toast. It was so good.

Spring Break 3pt contiuned..

After getting my piercing, I had gotten my hair retouched up. Now, my locs are looking sooo much longer and cleaner. A lot of people have given me compliment on them. Which a compliment never hurts. :) When I shake my hair its moves more because there is more length. Once i was done with that, I was finally invited to go to a party that night.

It was out my friends house, who sent me the text because she heard i didn't even know about the one Saturday. Before the party me and my sweet pea, Serena, a close friend of mine wanted to meet up for coffee at this coffee house in the city called White Rhino. We had sat and talked for about 2 hours, which was greatly needed. I love her to death. Once we got the party, which was kind of a small one compared to the one on saturday. I was glad to saw the people i did like Andrew, Monica, Brooke, Jerrett, Wolfgang, and many others. I ended that day with the thought of Ice Cubes song..."today was a good day". :)))))))

Claire's wow!

Well, as you know i am wanting a piercing and just about ready to go crazy because my dad said yes. My cousin and I tried to find the closes Claire's to us in Desoto by using yahoo and google. There were 3 closes to us. One in Duncanville, Northpark Mall, and Waxahacie. I called the one in Duncanville and she said they don't do cartilage. My cousin was in North Dallas, so she went to Northpark Mall to see if Claries did it, that was another no.

So i called the one in Waxahacie, they said yes! So we are driving south about 30 to 45 minutes to get to this place. Once we got there this is completely new to me and this bright pink store was so overwhelming with girl accessiories. We as for the Cartliage forum and i fill it out. When i sat in the sit, the woman doing the piercing is like telling me her life story about how this won't hurt as much as a tattoo and she has 6 of them. Then she told me that about the many people that come in there to get as for a piercing of something body part and she is like " no don't these people understand this is Claire's not a tattoo shop, we can't pierce that". It was pretty funny at the time. And i didn't mention i had a tattoo because she had a gun up to my ear and really rather her not mess up.

Spring Break pt3

Well, the real fun began on that Wednesday. I had been wanting a piercing for a while. Since last semester because a good friend of mine got the piercing i wanted and so forth. However, I had to wait on my dad to tell me yes. At first, he keep saying that when i could support myself financely i could do whatever i wanted. Ha Ha- i thought that will be a long time from now.

That same day i was outside reading and my dad come out there wanted to chit chat. Which does not always happen on a good note. So, he had asked me why did I want this piercing and all these other quotes that a parent would ask. He finally said yes!!! My cousin Charnae and I thought of some places where to get a cartilage pierced. I wanted cheap and nothing crazy expenses which i would probably get charged at a tattoo palor. So we went to Claire's!

Wild at Heart...side note

The book is really good and I'm glad i took the time to read it. It made me think about what is really important and what to watch out for. For instance, the author believes there is 3 evils in the world and they all intertwine with each other. The world, the devil, ourselves basically. the book also had some very interesting quotes.

Like, "Life is not a problem to be solved. It is an adventure to be lived." This quote in itself is amazing and tell us to be human and to just live not worry so much about the many problems that bump us off track. Another quote I loved from the book is " Show people the weight of who you are and let them deal with it." That also i think shows we mustn't focus on the things not really important as other stuff. Especially when it come to friends, family and etc; We must not hold back on who we are in deep inside. Express yourself and never hold back.

spring break pt2

Im finally back home in Dallas by like 10 o'clock at night. It feels so good to be home because that was actually the first time i had be back since christmas break. When i came home it was weird because I was having trouble with a friend back home. And it looks like she had a get together that friday night and there was a party Saturday night. I didn't know about any of it. This kinda made me feel even more left out when i came home that most of my high school friends where there. And plus the party was down the street from me.

Sunday rolled around didn't to much at all. So my nana and aunt and went to eat with my friend Mike Yang to Panerna Bread. When break started I started to read a book my good friend Blake gave me to read. The book is called Wild at Heart by John Eldridge. Its about what God wants from our manhood and how we men are wounded.

Spring Break at first...

Well, I haven't blogged since March 1st so, I think its only natural to start with Spring break. So, we left from the dorms on that Friday. I decided to go to work that morning instead of that afternoon since i thought my dad would come that day. So I got off work at 11, and waited and waited. I had called my day to see where he was and by this time it was around close to 12. My dad was suppose to be in San Marcos at 1 and still hadn't left. I was slightly pissed, well no i was really pissed.

He had sent me a smart butt text saying that if he was leaving now he would get there before 5 which by the way is when our dorm will kick us out. However, since I'm so smart i told him that he didn't take in the factor of Austin traffic which is terrible. So i devised a plan for my friend Chelsea to take me to Waco, since she is heading in the same direct as me anyway. So i won that argument with my dad which made my day!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

BA part 2

If you had read the one before this blog will make sense hahah.

Any who, once arrived at the bus stop there was a small group of people. We could not really tell what they were doing. Until, Katelyn with her creepy ways hahah pulled up slowly next to them then drive off again. It was so funny because the the group there was all dressed up in costumes and came running to our car to get our stuff. I think it was a nice start to the retreat. From then on, I had no idea that the people I meant on the bus and at the retreat were going to be so influential to my relationship with Christ and God. Once we got to Jarrell, the retreat cite, we got off the bus just to put all of our stuff on the bed then having to line up and close our eyes to show we have faith in the people around us and the system. All the guys could hear clapping and yelling which it sound like all the girls, however when they call your name and you get to open your eye for the first time you see...

A wave of people so happy to see you and one person who runs by to grap your hand and take you to your group for the weekend.. which mine was BA Rangers with a old west theme. So cool. From then on there were different group, which helped to keep the excitement up. There were different talks about Faith, Truth, Love and Prayer. Which were really good because the people that gave the talks also gave personal stories.

Bobcat Awakening!!!! 1

The weekend of February 20th thru the 22nd, I was on a religious retreat. One of my bestfriends, John, got me to go and his girlfriend, Katylen, and also our friend Tori as well. I was excited about because I had a feeling it was going to be like my senior retreat back in high school which about the same length of time and we had different talks about life and moving on to college from teachers who come on our retreat. At the same time, I knew i shouldn't have any expectation about BA. John couldn't tell us anything which make it more interesting for me. That same week it was hard for him because some close to him had passed away so he left to go back to Houston to spend time with family which we three all understood. So we where leaving on that friday to go to the bus stop, John had told us he wasn't sure if he would be still coming and that he loves us and hope we have an amazing experience. To be honest, I was kind of upset that John wouldn't be there. And I felt like I needed one of my best friends there...

to be contiuned. :)

wow... alot of work ha.

Hello world,

Recently, the Alumni House is getting ready for graduates in May. The way we get ready is by starting to put together the Alumni packets. This packet is just an envelope with information about being an Alumni, how to frame your degree, where to start looking for a job, etc. We have to put together 3,000 packets. Crazy right?---- YES. However, it is going kind of quick. We just start last week so far we 10 bins with 40 packets in it which is 400 all together. Going in to work, I am not looking forward to those but time goes by fast which I love. This past Friday was interesting because we got in the new letter heads and Bank of America stuff in. So, my boss asked me to start putting the new Bank of America paper in the packets. Which then turned into oh can you replace all the packets with new Bank of America sheets, since all the old ones had the old black and white and not the new colored ones. Finally this turned into me replacing 400 packets with one new sheet..... very frustrating but its worth it.

Work so far...

My job is going well so far. I'm glad I have it because it keeps me busy during my long days. My boss, Lisha, is pretty easy going and I tell her job means a lot to her. Another co-worker is Christina, sooo fun to be around. Then there is the main boss, Dorothy, who is hard worker and very kind. Next are the student workers who are basically the people on the schedule with me. Venchetta, Victoria, and Aaron are all student workers. Aaron and Victoria have been working there the longest. Aaron is kind of shy and quiet but I think once I see more he'll be more talkative. Victoria on the other hand is very outgoing and knows exactly what she is looking for when it comes to work. Venchetta is new from last semester somewhat new. She is very nice and funny.
So, the job is amazing and I'm glad i had the chance for this oppurtunity when the they could have taken any other applicant.

Monday, February 16, 2009

So, this week overall has been good I think. God has blessed me more then I thought would happen. Being able to saying " I'm working" feel weird hahaha. I think it is a sign that I am coming in to my own independence, which is good to a point. I've been praying a lot actually because I am still being tempted lately and its getting to me. Trust in God and anything is possible right?? I am starting to think so. I am thankful for all my friends at this school... some i don't know where I would be without their advice most of time.
Bobcat Awakening is this weekend. I have mixed emotions about it. I feel like it would be really good for me to go and grow even more closer to God I think. I am glad John convinced me to go... I very thankful he's in my life too. Everything has a reason??? I believe God puts certain people in our lives so we can learn from them or even grow together in life. On the other hand, I believe good God puts puts negative people me in our lives so we can learn what not to do.
Thanks be to God and Blessed be.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

February 11, 2009 that day was a good day...

Like Ice-Cube said in that song... "Today was a good day". Feb 11,was my good day. Usually, I with getting up like at 9 but i received a text message from Julie saying we didn't have English class that day. I was super excited. That same day I was expecting a call from the Alumni House about the job. Rejoicing in the lobby and telling everyone that my class was canceled was fun. The plus to this was that I only have one class on monday, wednesday, friday; so that day was a free day for me.
I then got a phone call from Lisha Barker from the Alumni House, saying that she would love to have my work with them at the House. By this time I was glowing with enjoyment and success. This would be my first job on my own and that I got on my own, since i worked with my Dad at the family business there really wasn't a purpose in me trying to get another job. Right after I got the phone call, I contiuned to tell everyone about my good day. I called my dad and my mom , for some crazy reason they didn't seem excited like me... maybe the fact I'm growing up shocked them or that I won't asking for much. Eventought i didn't ask form much anyway.
That day was a good day.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Music to feel...

So one of my great closest friend at Texas State gave me some music. I believe we feel the same about music. That the words are great but the beat and melody and harmony of the instruments is the amazing part. Those are the parts that shake your soul to the core. A person can not just hear the song, on the contrary a person must listen to the song. I am this way with hip-hop and soul music. For instance, like Erykah Badu, Jill Scott, Mos Def, Common and many others.

Lately, though my taste in music is more indie and alternative punk like recent music is Small Leaks Sink Ships ( is amazing) listen to it now! There is Spoon, Damien Marley, Damien Rice, and Santogold ( if you like M.I.A you will love her). Music like this makes me feel like I should be out adventuring around in other countries and culture. Brazil, Africa, Spain, many islands in Caribbean sound pretty fun to visit right now. I believe is college is a good time to experiment with music and travel; basically to find yourself and your own worth in the world.

"Playing music or concerts are creating moments... recording music is perfecting the moment..." Erykah Badu

Day of Change, Feb 6.

Good morning world, I have experienced it seems like a day of change. On last Friday, I applied for a job, went to my first 80s party, and getting a new roommate. Everything that day happen so fast. First it was english class then went and ate. After that I took my corrected resume up to the Alumni House. Mrs. Barker is very nice, and I hope I made a good impression. The only thing that is that when I fill out the application and was out the door, the receptionist come outside to tell me Mrs. Barker could talk to me right then. In my mind, I was thinking this is great; however, I was not dressed the part for the job opporunity. I am hoping everything with that goes well because the job will be well appreiciated.
The 80s party was a blast. A few of my friends and I went to Goodwill to get old clothes, which turned out to be really funny and fun. I brought a deep purple shirt, bright yellow shorts and some avaitor glasses. Everyone told me I looked pretty awesome and super fly :) . Last but not least my roommate is moving down the hall and I'm getting a new guy, Matt. He seems pretty cool, but I don't know much right now. Hopefully, we will get along great. Only time will tell...

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Confused mind.

This is the week of confusion. Since being back from break, I have felt like there was something different may be in myself or in others. However, at first it was not clear. Everything seemed to be great and I got to see all my friends that I missed. Now, it can't even be around the people I trust the most.

Its upsetting because I feel like I am the "tag along friend", but before the Christmas break I never felt this way. I know they love me dearly and same goes for me, but I can not help but feel it. Is that so wrong of me? That I feel awkward and seems to not have anything to talk about in any of our little conversations. May be I am just putting to much thought into it and should have more faith in them or everything I am feeling is right on key... I suppose only time will tell.

"Love all, trust few..." - William Shakespeare

Monday, January 26, 2009

Dreadlocks Journey

I am start my locks this year for the first time. I got my hair twisted during the Christmas break, and I super excited about it. Before convincing my parents to let me do this, I had to first look up information about dreads history, the stages, and the maintenance. Basically, to help further my understanding about locks before i start them. My goal length for my hair is about to my shoulder, which will take about 2 years or less depending on how fast my hair will grow.

This journey isn't only about hair. It is also an emotional and spiritual journey as well. Emotional because dealing with this type of hair style you need to be very very patience. I don't have a lot of that when it come to other things like school work, friends, and family. So this will be a good thing for me. At the same time it is a spiritual one because I want to get closer to God, and not to worry about relationship and stress because if i put trust in Him everything will be alright, like the song :). To be continued...